Taxonomic list T4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

gyrus cerebri

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Current level gyrus cerebri
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Taxonomic list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
83874 5973 part
gyrus cerebri
cerebral gyrus
274528 11516
gyrus lobi limbici
gyrus of limbic lobe
275048 8717 part
gyrus limbicus
limbic gyrus ; outer ring of limbic lobe
62434 6067 part
gyrus cingularis
cingulate gyrus ; gyrus of girdle
61918 6070 part
gyrus parahippocampalis
parahippocampal gyrus
8734 part
gyrus ambiens
ambient gyrus
8736 part
gyrus semilunaris
semilunar gyrus
8737 part
gyrus uncinatus
uncinate gyrus
275054 8739 part
gyrus intralimbicus
intralimbic gyrus ; uncal apex
74038 8721 part
formatio hippocampi
hippocampal formation ; inner ring of limbic lobe
61922 6073 part
gyrus dentatus ; fascia dentata
dentate gyrus ; dentate fascia
61921 6069 part
gyrus fasciolaris
fasciolar gyrus
274516 11497
gyrus lobi frontalis
gyrus of frontal lobe
274406 11028 part
area frontopolaris
frontopolar area
274408 11029 part
gyrus frontopolaris superior
superior frontopolar gyrus
274420 11032 part
gyrus frontopolaris medius
middle frontopolar gyrus
274414 11034 part
gyrus frontopolaris inferior
inferior frontopolar gyrus
61860 5994 part
gyrus frontalis inferior
inferior frontal gyrus
273103 5999 part
gyrus frontalis medius
middle frontal gyrus
61857 6002 part
gyrus frontalis superior
superior frontal gyrus
61894 6000 part
gyrus precentralis
precentral gyrus
274504 11035 part
gyrus frontomarginalis lobi frontalis
frontomarginal gyrus of frontal lobe
12159 part
gyrus paracingularis
paracingulate gyrus
61919 6048 part
gyrus paraterminalis
paraterminal gyrus
72019 6050 part
gyrus paraolfactorius
paraolfactory gyrus
256194 6052 part
gyrus orbitalis
orbital gyrus
62419 8675 part
gyrus orbitalis medialis
medial orbital gyrus
256196 8676 part
gyrus orbitalis anterior
anterior orbital gyrus
80184 8677 part
gyrus orbitalis posterior
posterior orbital gyrus
62418 8678 part
gyrus orbitalis lateralis
lateral orbital gyrus
61893 6054 part
gyrus rectus
rectus gyrus
274526 6031 part
gyrus insulae
insular gyrus
67555 6032 part
gyrus longus insulae
long gyrus of islet
274723 11498 part
gyrus longus anterior insulae
anterior long gyrus of islet
274729 11508 part
gyrus longus posterior insulae
posterior long gyrus of islet
61913 6033 part
gyrus brevis insulae
short gyrus of islet
274705 11509 part
gyrus brevis anterior insulae
anterior short gyrus of islet
274711 11510 part
gyrus brevis medius insulae
middle short gyrus of islet
274717 11511 part
gyrus brevis posterior insulae
posterior short gyrus of islet
12167 part
gyrus transversus insulae
transverse gyrus of islet
61915 11513 part
gyrus accessorius anterior insulae
anterior accessory gyrus of islet
75266 6036 part
limen insulae
limen of islet
274522 11500
gyrus lobi occipitalis
gyrus of occipital lobe
61901 8701 part
gyrus occipitalis superior
superior occipital gyrus
61902 8702 part
gyrus occipitalis medius
middle occipital gyrus
273129 8703 part
gyrus occipitalis inferior
inferior occipital gyrus
274557 8691 part
gyrus occipitalis descendens
descending occipital gyrus
61903 6060 part
61904 6062 part
gyrus lingularis ; gyrus occipitotemporalis medialis
lingular gyrus ; medial occipitotemporal gyrus
274520 11503
gyrus lobi parietalis
gyrus of parietal lobe
61896 6009 part
gyrus postcentralis
postcentral gyrus
61899 6011 part
lobulus parietalis superior
superior parietal lobule
77536 6006 part
lobulus parietalis inferior
inferior parietal lobule
61900 6059 part
274518 11507
gyrus lobi temporalis
gyrus of temporal lobe
61905 6019 part
gyrus temporalis superior
superior temporal gyrus
71043 8710 part
planum polare
polar plane
273671 6021 part
gyrus temporalis transversus
transverse temporal gyrus
71045 6024 part
planum temporale
temporal plane
61906 6027 part
gyrus temporalis medius
middle temporal gyrus
61907 6029 part
gyrus temporalis inferior
inferior temporal gyrus
61908 6063 part
gyrus fusiformis ; gyrus occipitotemporalis lateralis
fusiform gyrus ; lateral occipitotemporal gyrus
77538 6058 part
gyrus paracentralis posterior
posterior paracentral gyrus
12438 part
gyrus interlobaris
interlobar gyrus
12439 part
operculum insulare
insular operculum
274737 8666 part
gyrus subcentralis
subcentral gyrus
77534 6045 part
lobulus paracentralis
paracentral lobule
77537 6046 part
gyrus paracentralis anterior
anterior paracentral gyrus
68 items
180 entities
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
The Angular and supramarginal gyri form with the Parietal operculum the Lobulus parietalis inferior (Inferior parietal lobule or IPL). The Gyrus angularis (Angular gyrus; BA39) can be further subdivided (see Caspers S, Amunts K, Zilles K 2012 Posterior parietal cortex. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 1036-1035). The Operculum parietale (Parietal operculum) contains four cytoarchitectonic, functionally defined areas OP1-4 (see Eickhoff S, Schleicher A, Zilles K, Amunts K 2006a The human parietal operculum. I. Cytoarchitectonic mapping of subdivisions. Cereb Cortex 16:254-267; Eickhoff S, Amunts K, Mohlberg H, Zilles K 2006b Stereotaxic maps and correlation with functional imaginig results. Cereb Cortex 16:268-279). The Gyrus supramarginalis (Supramarginal gyrus; BA40) can be further subdivided (see Caspers et al. 2012).
The Lobulus parietalis superior (Superior parietal lobule or SPL) can be divided into a Preparietal area (BA5 with subdivisions) and a Superior parietal area (BA7 with subdivisions; see Scheperjans F, Eickhoff SB, Mohlberg H, et al. 2008 Probabilistic maps, cytoarchitectonic morphometry, and variability of areas in human superior parietal cortex. Cereb Cortex 18:2141-2157).
The Gyrus temporalis superior (Superior temporal gyrus; BA22) is not a homogeneous cortical area; it contains various cytoarchitectonically and functionally distinct cortical areas. Its Pars anterior (Anterior part or Belt area) forms the Secondary auditory cortex (BA42 or A2; see Morosan P, Rademacher J, Schleicher A, et al. 2001 Human primary auditory cortex: Cytoarchitecture, subdivisions and mapping into a spatial reference system. Neuroimage 13:684-701; Zilles and Amunts 2012). Its Pars posterior (Posterior part or Wernicke's area) is a loosely defined region which comprises the Posterior part of BA22 but also parts of the Inferior parietal lobule.
The Dorsal part of the Gyrus temporalis superior contains three Sulci temporales transversi (Transverse temporal sulci): the Planum polare (Polar plane) is separated from the Transverse temporal gyri of Heschl by the Sulcus temporalis transversus anterior (Anterior transverse temporal sulcus), the Gyri temporales transversi (Transverse temporal gyri) are subdivided by the Sulcus temporalis transversus intermedius (Intermediate transverse temporal sulcus), and the Planum temporale (Temporal plane) is separated from the Posterior transverse temporal gyrus by the Sulcus temporalis transversus posterior (Posterior transverse temporal sulcus or Heschl's sulcus; see Duvernoy 1992).
See note # 6021
For the Inferomedial aspect of the Temporal lobe, usually the terms Gyrus temporalis inferior (T3), Gyrus fusiformis (T4) and Gyrus parahippocampalis (T5) are used, separated by the Occipitotemporal and the Collateral sulci.
The following Gyri orbitales can be distinguished: 1) the Gyrus orbitalis medialis, the gyrus between the olfactory sulcus and the medial orbital sulcus; 2) the Gyrus orbitalis anterior, the cortex rostral to the transverse orbital sulcus; 3) the Gyrus orbitalis posterior, the cortex caudal to the transverse orbital sulcus; and 4) the Gyrus orbitalis lateralis, the gyrus lateral to the lateral orbital sulcus. The caudal parts of the medial and posterior orbital gyri merge to form the Lobulus orbitalis posteromedialis as described by Türe U, Yasargil DCH, Al-Mefti O, Yasargil MC (1999 Topographic anatomy of the insular region. J Neurosurg 90:720-733) and Naidich TP, Kang E, Fatterpekar GM, et al. (2004 The insula: Anatomic study and MR imaging display at 1.5T. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 25:222-232). Mai and Majtanik (2017 Human Brain in Standard MNI Space. Academic/Elsevier, San Diego) also described a Regio orbitalis posterolateralis.
The Gyrus cingularis (Cingulate gyrus) can at least be divided into an Anterior, a Posterior and a Retrosplenial part. Vogt BA, Palomero-Gallagher N (2012 Cingulate cortex. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 943-987) added a Midcingulate cortex.
See note # 8762
Usually, the Sulcus centralis does not reach the Sulcus lateralis and is separated from it by a short gyrus, the Gyrus subcentralis, which is formed by the 'fusion' of the Precentral and Postcentral gyri in their ventralmost parts. The Subcentral gyrus is delimited in front and behind by the Anterior and Posterior subcentral sulci (Dejerine 1895; Duvernoy 1992; Petrides and Pandya 2012). Also known as: Central or Rolandic operculum, and Inferior frontoparietal 'pli de passage'.
See note # 6052
See note # 6052
See note # 6052
See note # 6052
See note # 6071
See note # 6071
See note # 6071
In the French literature, for the Inner ring of the Limbic lobe the term Gyrus intralimbicus is used. In the German literature, however, this term is used for the Uncal apex.
See note # 12158
Type of list T4
List Unit Identifier 5973
Number of children 179 (validated)
Number of units 68 (validated)
Signature 18841 (validated since 18.11.2018)
Date: 05.01.2025